From the AppleScript Script Editor, the command: do script alias "filename"
can now be sent to Synk. The result will be to automatically run the document specified by alias "filename"
For example:
tell application "Synk 2.4.2 (PPC)"
□□□copy (choose file) theFile
do script theFile
end tell
tell application "Synk 2.4.2 (PPC)"
do script alias "Duomonger:Documents:backup"
quit -- quits Synk after running the document
end tell
where "Duomonger:Documents:backup" specifies the complete pathname of the Synk document. (Duomonger is a volume, Documents is a root level folder and backup is the document name... replace these with the specific path to your document.)
For more information on AppleScript, buy the book "The Tao of AppleScript" by Derrick Schneider and published by Hayden Books. You will be suprised at the cool things you can do with your Macintosh.